You might think that today’s blog title might be “Little Debbie’s Birthday” or “Roaming around Rome One More Time” but no, it is what it is because Britt and I are in Rome and have been completely welcomed at . The people that run this B&B are so incredibly wonderful that it is worth sharing the information! They originally didn't have a room available for us but kept us on a waiting list so if there was a cancellation they would let me know; and they did; and we’re here, and everything is absolutely perfect in the room! They are welcoming, helpful, friendly, speak English and the wireless internet connection is great! Once you buy the coming soon iPad Rome Tour apps, and you are coming to Rome to follow the tour , stay at this B&B; it is a great starting point for both iPad apps. It is also close to the train station and has great restaurants right outside the door. This is where I stayed for the 11 days when I was taking all the iPad application photos of Rome, and this is where Mary Redekop stays when she is in Rome. It is easy here and very comfortable. And when you want to look at something beautiful while you rest, just walk down the street to the Basilica di Santa Prassede or Santa Pudenziana and enjoy the incredible mosaics. La Casa di Amy
In the meantime, Britt and I parked the car near the Metro station at Colli Albani and took the subway into Rome. Once again, we are exhausted because of all the sites we have been to today and guess what… we’re going out tonight too!
Thank you for all the birthday wishes, cards, cash, weather ponchos, twizzlers and little Canadian tennis socks. I will be wearing the poncho and socks tonight, with my sandals, as we watch the sunset over the Coliseum. ha! ~not~
Britt saw her first ever Caravaggio's today in Santa Maria del Popolo!
In the meantime, Britt and I parked the car near the Metro station at Colli Albani and took the subway into Rome. Once again, we are exhausted because of all the sites we have been to today and guess what… we’re going out tonight too!
Thank you for all the birthday wishes, cards, cash, weather ponchos, twizzlers and little Canadian tennis socks. I will be wearing the poncho and socks tonight, with my sandals, as we watch the sunset over the Coliseum. ha! ~not~
Britt saw her first ever Caravaggio's today in Santa Maria del Popolo!