1. The Cinque Terre is located on the _______ _______ and is composed of 5 small villages
Italian Riviera
2. The best way to see the Cinque Terre is by:
3. Cinque Terre means:
Five Lands
4. Which famous explorer was born in Genoa
Christopher Columbus
5. How do you pronounce Cinque Terre?
Chink-weh Tay-reh
6. How do you pronounce Corniglia?
Cor - kneel - lee -ah
7. According to legend Corniglia was named by a Roman farmer who settled in the area and named the town after his _____.
8. How many horrid, energy-sucking steps are there from the train station to the town of Corniglia?
Italian Riviera
2. The best way to see the Cinque Terre is by:
3. Cinque Terre means:
Five Lands
4. Which famous explorer was born in Genoa
Christopher Columbus
5. How do you pronounce Cinque Terre?
Chink-weh Tay-reh
6. How do you pronounce Corniglia?
Cor - kneel - lee -ah
7. According to legend Corniglia was named by a Roman farmer who settled in the area and named the town after his _____.
8. How many horrid, energy-sucking steps are there from the train station to the town of Corniglia?